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Fear of Rejection


52% of adults between the ages of 45 and 55+ are prone to overthinking according to a study by The University of Michigan. With such a staggering statistic, it’s easy to understand the weight of the world and how susceptible we may feel – by fear and anxiousness.

One of those culprits in relationships, professional settings, and other areas of your life is fear of rejection. You may notice that fear of rejection has become a common theme in your life and perhaps it’s preventing you from connecting with an old friend or starting anew at your dream job.

Where does fear of rejection come from?

One of the most common places fear of rejection originates is during childhood. As our brains develop, we take in our surroundings, and if our emotional needs are not met, it leaves a lasting imprint on our human experience.

Maybe a parent abandoned you or you were struggling to form a connection with an absent parent. Even when their physical presence is there, their emotional availability might not be. Knowing the origin of your fear of rejection can help provide context and help you identify what types of resources would best serve you and your mental health.

Fear of rejection symptoms

If you're unsure whether or not you are a person who struggles with the fear of rejection, there are a few things to look out for that might make those signs easier to spot. People who are navigating living with the fear of rejection are often people pleasers. They may take on too many responsibilities and find difficulty with boundary setting. They become worried more about how they are perceived than whether or not a task is impacting their overall health.

Fear of social rejection

Fear of social rejection can lead to extensions of other concerns like social anxiety. Social anxiety is built on the pillars of the unknown and the hurdle of overcoming the notion that you will not be welcomed into any space.

The idea of integrating with the outside world in a group setting can become mentally overwhelming to someone with a fear of social rejection, may cancel plans last minute or even be swamped by anxious thoughts and behaviors if they decide to go. This puts strain on all aspects of development, especially in the area of love and belonging.

Fear of rejection in love

Fear of rejection can also show up in all of our relationships, both intimate and platonic. You may find that you’re not completely honest with your spouse or member of your family because you’re worried about how they will react. You may also wear “masks” so that you feel you better fit in, while keeping your authentic self hidden. Passing judgment, or fear of that judgment, can keep someone paralyzed and in the dysregulated state of stress.

How to get over fear of rejection

Getting over your fear of rejection is not an overnight process. It takes time, intention, and a great support system composed of friends, family, and professionals. Working with a life coach is one of the most popular ways that people seek to restore harmony in their lives through the guidance of a neutral, unbiased member in your support system.

How to deal with fear of rejection

Dealing with the fear of rejection is not only debilitating, but it creates unnecessary tension in your relationships and challenges the very fabric of those important lifelines. Everyone has the ability to learn how to work through their fear of rejection and preserve those vital relationships.

Coping skills and regulation tools

Fine-tuning your coping skills and regulation tools are the key to getting through the tough parts and learning how to process, in time. When you identify a set of skills that helps you regulate your nervous system, you give yourself an immediate resource.

Working your way out of the biological reaction that occurs when your fear of rejection is triggered is a crucial piece of overcoming your fear. And once you unlock that door, you’ll find that relationship repair and preservation is much easier.

Finding and connecting with support

One of the hardest parts of finding and connecting with support is admitting that you don’t have it all figured out and you definitely don’t have all the answers. Having the support of a life coach while you are navigating the hardest moments of your world can make an enormous difference in your trajectory to create peace within.

Get help now

If you’ve noticed that you’re feeling extra overwhelmed lately and the smaller tasks in life feel impossible, it might be time to invest in a life coach. Head over to Design Clarity CC’s website and sign up for a consultation to help you find your footing.

*****If you are so overwhelmed by anxiety that it keeps you from functioning in your daily life, please seek out a licensed mental health professional. Here are 2 websites that help you search by state for a licensed mental health professional.


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